Three Things Every Writer Needs on Their Computer
Are you a writer? Who isn’t these days? Whether you are a blogger, a professional journalist or a self-published author, there are a few things that you really should have on your computer. Some are free, some cost some money.
Not every writer will need them, but they can help all of you in some way. From places to start your writing to online only needs. That means that the number one need is an internet connection that can get you into your email and your blog. While bloggers definitely need internet, not all writer have to have it. However, if you want to find great places to edit photos for your next book or want to find places to submit your latest journalistic piece, you’ll definitely want to have internet.
Word Documents
Microsoft Word is probably the best bet when it comes to having a system in which to put all of your amazing words. Here you have the option of spell check so that you don’t need to look like a fool on your blog when you originally post. You can add links, photos and more to your work right in your document. Word is not free, and if you want to be a whiz at it you may want to take a class. CBT Nuggets, the place to go for computer needs, suggests online courses that can help you ace things like Word.
Image Source: Pixabay
For those of you that can’t afford Microsoft Word, even though it’s a great investment, there is a free download, OpenOffice, that does many of the same things.
The Cloud
The cloud has a lot to offer writers. Use Dropbox to share your works with others. This cloud system is a great place to store anything from photos to complete manuscripts. There is also Evernote, which allows you to directly post written work to your blog.
Most importantly, when it comes to cloud drives, there is Google Drive.Google Drive offers all the things that Word does, but it’s all saved in the cloud so that you can get into your documents and other stuff anywhere and on any computer or device.
PDF Converters
Last, but not least, if you are a self-published author that uses a service like CreateSpace for publishing you may need a way to convert your manuscript into a PDF from Word. You can find free PDF converters, or opt for a paid one with extra features.
Most converters give you an option when printing as a PDF, depending on what use your file will have (eBook, website, print) and what size you need it to be (smaller for online).
Now that you know what you need in order to help you be a little more successful with your writing it’s time to get to it. What’s your next story going to be about? How about one about aliens entering the cloud and how they use all of that saved information out in cyberspace to steal human identities? Invasion of the cloud computing snatchers.